Lots on my mind; time to get it out...

This is a small piece of myself that I'm now willing to share. Handle with care; contents will break under pressure.

26 March 2011

40. I really hate walking under trees...

There are a few things I'm paranoid about...
The government watching me through my webcam
People being in my business
Birds pooping on me in any public arena
and last but not least
Bugs in my hair...

Today it happened. I was walking under a tree and I thought a piece of tree stuff had gotten stuck in my hair. I could only see it out of the corner of my eye and my hands were full so I hopelessly tried to get it out without looking like a complete idiot on the street. It was almost like this piece of trash was sticking to my hair. So I'm finally able to get this thing outta my hair and low and behold it's like a baby caterpillar or something.
Then, of course, I had a mini freak out moment. So much for trying not to look like a complete idiot on the street. Luckily, I dont think anyone was looking... at least I hope not. It's bad enough when you've been walking around all day and someone finally tells you there's a leaf in your hair. And when I think about it I got lucky...if that thing would've fallen in the back I never would have noticed or known. And then it would've have laid eggs. And with my luck they'd be the water resistant kind. Next thing you know I've got a colony of whatever that thing was living in my hair and trying to take over my brain...

Okay - maye my imagination runs away with me sometimes, but the idea of having a bug in my hair and not knowing about it gives me the heebie jeebies.

1 comment:

  1. blahaha! I've had those moments and have no shame about doing a little scream while removing the culprit.
